Tuesday 17 July 2012

Enticing Women...

Note:: Fair warning… this post is not meant for people with oversized or fragile egos. Continue reading at your own risk.

Rape and molestation is a wide spread problem that need to be tackled immediately and with strong hands. Especially when the present society has become an Expert in victimizing a victim and so today I put forward my case against victimizing the victims and for punishing the actual perpetrators.

Just imagine, you love Chocolate and they open a ‘chocolate hut’ store right in front of your home. You can’t help yourself and so you steal from there. Or imagine you are in a tight situation and in dire need of money. You would do anything to get out of that situation and since Banks have money, you go out and rob a bank. Know the situations? Who is the victim here in these cases? The store and the bank, right? In such cases you do not see the perpetrators justifying their acts by saying, ‘But the shop / bank were showing off the chocolates / money. What was I supposed to do?’

But oh when a girl is raped or molested, it is always the girls’ dress and behavior that is under scrutiny. It’s the girls who tantalize and lure the ‘helpless and powerless’ men into raping and molesting them. What are the men to do when a girl in a short skirt passes by them other than pass rude comments? What can the defenseless men do but rape a girl when she has beautiful curves? What can the poor babies do when they come across an outgoing girl other than molest her? After all it’s a woman’s fault that she is beautiful or attractive. It’s a woman’s fault if she is likes to party or wear dresses. It is also a woman’s fault that they tempt and excite and lure the very powerless, defenseless and vulnerable men into committing such heinous crimes.

Look at this 7 year old victim. Of course with her sensuous curves, she was asking to be raped, stabbed and beaten to death!! And men being the most GRACIOUS creatures on the earth fulfilled her wishes!

Or, this 15 year old girl should have never worn such a provocative dress! When she wore a Salwar-kurta, she obviously invited men to rape her and then murder her mother for lodging a complaint.
 Source: TimesOfIndia

Look at the lady in this video, her very exposing dress was just asking to be beaten, stripped, and molested in public…

This 6 year old’s smile was just begging to be wiped off through rape and complete mutilation…
 Source: DigitalJournal

I bet this 15 year old's skirt was too short...
Source: DashingTimes

And goodness! Look at this 5 year old girl… Look at how provocatively she dresses and behaves so promiscuously!! Only way to teach her a lesson was to rape her till her internal organs were damaged

Read some more about the Enticing Women:


Tell you what; MEN bring out your macho egos as a defense. Or maybe you can use your oh-so-god-gifted strength as a defense when the girls beg you to rape them. But mostly, Keep Your Pants On, Hands to Yourself and Dirty Mouth Shut!

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